JAKARTA - Malaysia men's singles, Lee Chong Wei, indicated that he will be retired in the near future. He concluded his plan at a press conference prior to BCA Indonesia Open Superseries Premier 2016 at Sultan Hotel, Jakarta, Sunday afternoon, (29/5).


JAKARTA - The "avenge match" of Indonesia's Anthony Sinisuka Ginting and Denmark's living legend Jan O Jorgensen will be the initial battle at BCA Indonesia Open Super Series Premier 2016.

Persiapan Matang, Debby Susanto Berharap Ciptakan Kejutan di BCA Indonesia Open

JAKARTA - Perhelatan Akbar Indonesia Open Superseries Premier 2016 tinggal beberapa hari lagi. Para pemain yang akan turut ambil bagian di turnamen bulutangkis dengan titel penyelenggaraan terbaik di dunia ini, tentunya sudah mempersiapkannya secara matang. Tak terkecuali pebulutangkis tanah air spesialis ganda campuran, yakni Debby Susanto yang kini berpasangan dengan Praven Jordan.

Unpublicized Preparation, PBSI Expect Upsets

JAKARTA - The head of Indonesia Badminton Association development and achievement, Rexy Mainaky, is not interested in bragging his players' preparation for the BCA Indonesia Open Superseries Premier 2016. With the existing competition, he really hopes that the men's singles sector can give surprises this year.

Debby To Enjoy Every Match

JAKARTA - Debby Susanto and Praveen Jordan refuse to be intimidated with the most sacred Senayan Stadium badminton courts for it is known to world players. Having no pressure, she just wants to comfortably enjoy each match in BCA Metlife Indonesia Open Superseries Premier (BIOSSP) 2016.

Praveen/Debby Declines Owi/Butet Shadow

JAKARTA - The All England 2016 champions, Praveen Jordan/Debby Susanto, refuse to be linked to their seniors, Tontowi Ahmad/Liliyana Natsir. Both agree to label themselves as tandems in mixed doubles.

Praveen/Debby Expected To Give Upsets

The young Indonesian pair who succeeded in becoming the All England 2016 champions, Praveen Jordan/Debby Susanto, are expected to deliver other surprises. They will become answers for their coach's challenge, Richard Mainaky.

Three Titles Set For Target at Indonesia Open

JAKARTA - The Board of Indonesia Badminton Association (PP PBSI) aims three titles in BCA Metlife Indonesia Open Superseries Premier 2016. The three titles are expected to achieved by doubles in which Indonesia is superior.